Kirjoittaja Aihe: Classic kisa Tsekeissä  (Luettu 4460 kertaa)

Jorma Korhonen

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Classic kisa Tsekeissä
« : Toukokuu 24, 2021, 09:04:46 ap »

Alla on ECMO:lta tullut viesti joka koskee Tsekin CEC-kilpailua Jininissä 26.06.2021.

Ilmoittautumiskaavake löytyy sivuilta Ilmoittautuminen 02.06.2021 mennessä.

Kisa siis järjestetään vaikka matkustusrajoitukset olisivat voimassa. Tällöin se ei kuitenkaan ole CEC osakilpailu, vaan "kansainvälinen classic motocross tapahtuma", eikä ECMO ota järjestelyvastuuta kisasta.

t. Jorma Korhonen

Dear Reps,

The club of Jinin has the consent to organize the race on June 26. So they will do this. Depending on the possibilities for the riders from ALL over Europe to travel to the Czech Republic and also to go free home again this will decide if we are to give a status of ECMO CEC to this race. If there are any restrictions for riders from ANY country, than we cannot give it the CEC status. So free travel for everyone is priority number one!

If it is not a ECMO CEC, riders who can/want go to Jinin and want to race, is free to do that.

Making your entry a.s.a.p would be nice. Closing date for JININ is one week later, on JUNE 2.

So it will be a ECMO CEC for all or otherwise a big International Classic Cross event. Depending on the rules and restrictions of governments, no one can ever make ECMO responsible for things concerning this event.

We hope that we have given you some important information to understand the situation.

Hope to see everybody in Jinin on 26th June.

Board of ECMO